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October Glory  Photo: Courtesy of Damon Ramsey BSc.(Zool) Biologist Guide
October Glory: Faradaya splendida This vine has large opposite leaves and large showy white flowers that do indeed appear around October. The following fruits are also large, and look, smell and feel like potatoes (which of course are not related and not a type of fruit). If a piece of the flesh is picked at, it darkens. Hinton and Hinton (1989) note that cassowaries eat the fruit. Humans can also eat the fruit. Breeden and Cooper (1993) record this plant as being used by the local Aboriginal people as an `indicator' plant; when it fruits, it is the time the Brush Turkeys have eggs in their nest. This vine is found in the canopy and on the edge of rainforest in north east Australia and New Guinea.
Script: Courtesy of Damon Ramsey BSc.(Zool) Biologist Guide |